So, I doubt anyone is actually going to read this lol its mainly just a place for me to jot down a few thoughts. Taking the OTR certification exam for the 3rd time is UTTERLY frustrating. I am focusing too much on the little details and seem to be wasting my "studying" time hour by hour day by day. Yes, I want to retake my exam for the 3rd time in June but this time I REALLY want to pass. I mean this is insane!! I know there have to be PLENTY of certified OTs who arent nearly as knowledgeable as I am now....yet the have passed their boards!! :( Im sure there are many other to be OTs who feel this way...
Goodness gracious, that picture is how I am feeling all the time now. Some days I am SOO motivated to get this done and I know exactly how to do it..Other days I feel like this may be hopeless and I have NO idea if what I am working on will help me at all in passing the boards. I guess basically I got to take this thing one day at a time..I know I have the CAPABILITY to pass this exam. I know, it is POSSIBLE. So this blog will be used whenever I basically just need to vent :)