Thursday, June 30, 2011

11 hours before D-DAY, 1 week before my future career begins!! :)

AHHHHHH lol, So one thing in tribute to LOST I just gotta do...

Im not really afraid or nervous about tomorrow, I firmly believe I can get the 12 needed points :) but just for fun sake, "I let the fear in, let it take over...let it do its thing...but only for 5 seconds...thats all I was going to give I started to count...1...2...3...4...5..and then it was GONE.." - Jack from the pilot talking to Kate about fear.

Its my time now, OT students who have already passed don't have the knowledge I have gained...yet they passed on their first try...ITS MY TURN :). Lets do this and lets do it right. Take time, REALLY read the questions...understand what the key part is asking for in the answer. Breathe, afternoon 12pm it will all be over but for those four hours (8am-12pm), I want my brain to be working on all cylinders...I got this, this time, as they say..third time is the charm...:) and I will not believe anything else!

Friday, June 24, 2011



I just took the NBCOT official test 6 for (god knows) 4th time? THANK GOD, I FINALLY PASSED IT...omg that took forever lol and its only the practice test. So yes, mission pass both practice NBCOT tests OFFICIALLY accomplished :). 

This is great news considering I am taking my exam in a week :). I hope and I pray (so much actually, you wouldn't believe) that knowing and understanding how to answer these practice test questions will help me answer the ACTUAL test questions much better. I think I am definitely getting a better understanding of HOW to answer the questions, it is all about reading what the question is TRULY asking and then applying that to the BEST answer :)

Tomorrow morning (aka saturday) I will make a plan for the remaining 5 days (I wont study much the day before) and make sure I am reviewing the important key points BECAUSE THIS IS IT BABY...coming down to the final home stretch :) 3RD TIME IS THE CHARM...ALL I NEED IS 12 POINTS..I CAN DO THIS..I HAVE TO DO THIS :)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

12 DAYS till supposed D-Day take 3 :P

Ok so lets break it down here.

The first time I took this test, I WAS NOT ready, I totally underestimated it, I assumed it would be a lot easier than it was and yeah it was not pretty

The second time I took the test (It was this prepared that I should have been for my first try), I understood the underlining concepts, and diseases a lot more but I still did not understand the concepts of what I was doing wrong!!

This third time, I have understood the DOMAINS of the test MUCH better, I have somewhat (not as much as I had wanted but its hard) changed my view of thinking...I am a lot less concrete now, I know I have to think each question as a treatment session of what the patient would do not me, as well as "yes A could be a good answer but wait B could be the best answer!"

In all honesty, I feel like this is really only my 2nd time taking this test TRULY being prepared for it, and this 2nd (or 3rd what ever what you want to think about it) time, should be IT. I feel like I can do it this time. In a way it is nerve wracking because yes the extra studying I have done might help me do 5% better BUT knowing how to figure out what question the domain is AND thinking OUTSIDE the box I feel will be the KEY. That is what will bring me to passing....

I got a 502 on test 7 after researching the answers but I have yet to pass test 6 and I WILL NOT take this test for the 3rd time UNTIL I PASS TEST 6...SO I have until Friday the 24th to decide if I am taking this test JULY 1ST. 

I THINK ITS TIME...I need to take this test and get this HUGE HURDLE OUT OF THE WAY!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Continued frustration

OK, the problem is the longer and longer I wait to take this exam the more self doubt starts to appear. Obviously I cannot take it until the 15th of june, but do I want to take it on the 18th as originally scheduled. Am I doing the right thing in how I am "studying" now. 

A girl, who I assumed I would definitely pass before only failed (her 2nd try) by 6 pts this time where as I failed by 12!! *(yes I would have felt worse if she passed her 2nd time, I know that is horrible of me!) How can this be...what am I not doing right...I know second guessing was my downfall and not being sure enough of my answers greatly affected my score but this 3rd time...I need to be FULLY confident going in...can I get there in 17 days?? I want this time to be it..I want to improve 12 pts and get this "drudgery" out of the way :). 

17 more days..thats is about 2 1/2 weeks. I need to figure out a game plan of how to INCREASE my confidence enough that I wont 2nd guess myself. 

Today this is how I feel :)